COVID-19 Updates
Our community has been through a lot over the last few months, and all of us are looking forward to resuming our normal habits and routines. While many things have changed, one thing has remained the same: University Orthodontics is committed to your safety.
Infection control has always been a top priority for our practice and you may have seen this during your visits to our office. Our infection control processes are made so that when you receive care, it’s both safe and comfortable. We want to tell you about the infection control procedures we follow in our practice to keep patients and staff safe.
Our office follows infection control recommendations made by the American Dental Association (ADA), the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). We follow the activities of these agencies so that we are up-to-date on any new rulings or guidance that may be issued. We do this to make sure that our infection control procedures are current and adhere to each agencies’ recommendations.
You will see some changes when it is time for your next appointment. We made these changes to help protect our patients and staff. Some of the changes will include:
Patients will be sent an e-mail and/or text including a link to complete a COVID-19 pre-screening questionnaire 24 hours prior to their appointment. Patients or guardians MUST COMPLETE the pre-screening questionnaire BEFORE bringing the patient to his/her appointment. Patients who arrive to their appointment without a completed questionnaire may need to re-schedule the appointment. (Please note: Siblings with appointments at the same time will EACH require a completed questionnaire.)
The patient brushing stations have been eliminated. We ask that patients thoroughly brush their teeth before coming to their appointment so as to minimize aerosols during the tooth brushing process.
If patients have any broken or loose brackets, please call our office before coming to your appointment as we may need to adjust your appointment time.
We ask that patients arrive on time for their appointment (NOT EARLY/NOT LATE). This will allow us to keep order in our schedule and maintain a safe and socially distanced environment for everyone within our practice.
You will be asked to call the office when you arrive and one of our team members will come out to escort patients into the office.
Adult patients and teens are asked to enter the office alone, only children are to be accompanied by one adult. This will allow us to implement safe social distancing in the reception area.
Per the Governor's order, a face mask or covering MUST be worn by patients and visitors in the office at all times.
Upon entering the office, patients and guardians will have their temperature taken with a non-contact digital forehead thermometer.
We will have hand sanitizer available when you enter the office. Please use as needed.
You will see that our waiting room will have limited seating and no longer offer magazines, children’s books and so forth, since those items are difficult to clean and disinfect.
We have carefully tailored our schedule with specifically designated appointment times to maintain a low exposure environment. (This may mean that you’re offered fewer options for scheduling your appointment.)
We will be eliminating all aerosol procedures in the morning. While any aerosol generating procedures will be scheduled/performed in the afternoon.
Our orthodontic assistants will schedule your next appointment, chairside, at the end of your procedure. This will allow for minimal interactions while you are in the office.
These changes will allow us to continue your orthodontic treatment while looking out for everyone's best interest and safety. We have missed our patients and look forward to seeing you again. As always, we are happy to answer any questions that you may have about the steps we take to keep you, and every patient, safe in our practice. To make an appointment, please call our office.
Thank you for being our patient. We value your trust and loyalty and look forward to welcoming back our patients, neighbors and friends.
Dr. Beagan and the University Orthodontics team